The official Laibach app. Everything you ever wanted to have about Laibach in your pocket and on your mobile device.
Features include:
- The latest updates (News, LaibachKunst, VolksKunst)
- Listen/buy music (Spotify, iTunes)
- Watch Laibach videos
- Interact with Laibach Community
- Send your artworks directly from your mobile device
- Latest info on tour dates, ticket links, FB events
- Photos of Laibach
- Laibach history
- Latest releases and merchendise items
- And more
Download for free on iOS.
Aplikasi Laibach resmi. Segala sesuatu yang Anda pernah ingin memiliki sekitar Laibach di saku Anda dan pada perangkat mobile Anda.
Fitur termasuk:
- Update terbaru (Berita, LaibachKunst, VolksKunst)
- Dengarkan / membeli musik (Spotify, iTunes)
- Menonton video Laibach
- Berinteraksi dengan Laibach Komunitas
- Kirim karya seni Anda langsung dari perangkat mobile Anda
- Info Terbaru di tanggal tur, link tiket, peristiwa FB
- Foto Laibach
- Sejarah Laibach
- Rilis terbaru dan barang-barang merchendise
- Dan lagi
Download secara gratis di iOS.
The official Laibach app. Everything you ever wanted to have about Laibach in your pocket and on your mobile device.
Features include:
- The latest updates (News, LaibachKunst, VolksKunst)
- Listen/buy music (Spotify, iTunes)
- Watch Laibach videos
- Interact with Laibach Community
- Send your artworks directly from your mobile device
- Latest info on tour dates, ticket links, FB events
- Photos of Laibach
- Laibach history
- Latest releases and merchendise items
- And more
Download for free on iOS.